Friday 29 August 2014


    1. Angket ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh data objektif dari siswa dalam penyusunan skripsi.
    2. Dengan mengisi angket ini, berarti telah ikut serta membantu kami dalam penyelesaian studi.
    1. Sebelum anda menjawab daftar pertanyaan yang telah disiapkan, terlebih dahulu isi daftar identitas yang telah disediakan.
    2. Bacalah dengan baik setiap pertanyaan, kemudian beri tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang dianggap paling tepat.
    3. Isilah angket ini dengan jujur serta penuh ketelitian sehingga semua soal dapat dijawab. Dan sebelumnya tak lupa kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih atas segala bantuannya.
    1. Nama                                    :
    2. Umur                         :
    3. Jenis kelamin :
    4. Hari/Tgl                     :
    1. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang peranan kedisiplinan guru dalam meningkatkan efektivitas belajar di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat baik                                c.   Kurang baik
      2. Baik                                           d.   Tidak baik
    2. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang metode pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat baik                                            c.   Baik
      2. Cukup baik                                            d.   Kurang baik
    3. Bagaimana menurut anda mengenai langkah-langkah dalam peningkatan kedisiplinan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat baik                                            c.   Baik
      2. Cukup baik                                            d.   Kurang baik
    4. Apakah sarana dan prasarana cukup memadai di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat memadai                                    c.   Memadai
      2. Cukup memadai                                     d.   Kurang memadai
    5. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang kemampuan guru dalam mengajar di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat baik                                            c.   Baik
      2. Cukup baik                                            d.   Kurang baik
    6. Apakah menurut anda kedisiplinan belajar sudah diterapkan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sudah diterapkan                                   c.   Kurang diterapkan
      2. Cukup diterapkan                                  d.   Tidak diterapkan
    7. Apakah efektivitas belajar menurut anda sudah berjalan dengan sempurna di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sudah sempurna                                                c.   Kurang sempurna
      2. Cukup sempurna                                    d.   Tidak sempurna
    8. Apakah tingkat kedisiplinan guru menurut anda dalam mengajar sudah memenuhi target di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat memenuhi                                  c.   Kurang memenuhi
      2. Cukup memenuhi                                   d.   Tidak memenuhi
  1. Apakah menurut anda kepemimpinan guru dalam mendidik sudah baik di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
    1. Sangat baik                                            c.   Kurang baik
    2. Cukup baik                                            d.   Tidak baik
    3. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penguasaan materi pembelajaran bagi guru di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat menguasai                                  c.   Kurang menguasai
      2. Cukup menguasai                                  d.   Tidak menguasai
    4. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang kualitas kedisiplinan dalam belajar di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat berkualitas                                  c.   Kurang berkualitas
      2. Cukup berkualitas                                  d.   Tidak berkualitas
    5. Apakah menurut anda media yang digunakan dalam mengajar sudah sesuai di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat sesuai                                         c.   Kurang sesuai
      2. Cukup sesuai                                          d.   Tidak sesuai
    6. Apakah menurut anda kedisiplinan sangat menunjang terhadap pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat menunjang                                 c.   Kurang menunjang
      2. Cukup menunjang                                  d.   Tidak menunjang
    7. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang pengaruh kedisiplinan guru terhadap efektivitas belajar di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat berpengaruh                               c.   Kurang berpengaruh
      2. Cukup berpengaruh                               d.   Tidak berpengaruh
    8. Apakah tekhnik guru dalam mengajar menurut anda sudah baik di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat baik                                            c.   Kurang baik
      2. Cukup baik                                            d.   Tidak baik
    9. Apakah menurut anda efektivitas belajar sudah memenuhi target yang ditentukan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
      1. Sangat memenuhi                                  c.   Kurang memenuhi
      2. Cukup memenuhi                                   d.   Tidak memenuhi
MULIANA (27191034)

        1. I.         PETUNJUK WAWANCARA
          1. Sebelum anda menjawab daftar pertanyaan yang telah disiapkan terlebih dahulu isi identitas yang telah tersedia.
          2. Jawablah tes wawancara ini dengan jujur dan penuh ketelitian karena jawaban Bapak/Ibu Guru akan membantu kelengkapan data yang penulis butuhkan. Dan sebelumnya tidak lupa kami ucapkan terima kasih atas segala bantuannya.
        2. II.      IDENTITAS GURU
          1. Nama                                                  :
          2. Jabatan                                               :
          3. Bidang Studi Yang Diajarkan           :
        4. Sebutkan langkah-langkah apa saja yang diambil oleh guru dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
        5. Menurut Bapak/Ibu hambatan-hambatan apa saja yang dialami oleh guru dalam meningkatkan efektivitas belajar siswa di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar.
        6. Usaha-usaha apa saja yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan efektivitas belajar siswa di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ? Sebutkan dan jelaskan!
        7. Bagaimana kemampuan guru dalam mengajar dengan tetap mengedepankan tingkat kedisiplinan pembelajaran serta efektivitas belajar di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
        8. Apakah tingkat kedisiplinan guru dalam mengajar sudah mencapai target pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
        9. Hal-hal apa saja yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
        10. Apakah proses pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan kurikulum untuk mencapai efektivitas pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
        11. Apakah sarana dan prasarana dapat menunjang proses pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?
        12. Apa yang menjadi faktor penghambat dan faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan kedisiplinan pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar? Sebutkan dan jelaskan !
        13. Indikator apa yang telah dicapai melalui penerapan kedisiplinan pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 4 Bontosikuyu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar ?    untuk persi doc anda dapat  DOWNLOAD di sini link

Sunday 20 April 2014

Here we have mentioned few math trick play. You can play these tricks as instructed, with your parents or friends and prove your talent to them.

Math Magic/Tricks
Trick 1: Number below 10
Think of a number below 10.
Double the number you have thought.
Add 6 with the getting result.
Half the answer, that is divide it by 2.
Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.
Answer: 3

Trick 2: Any Number
Think of any number.
Subtract the number you have thought with 1.
Multiply the result with 3.
Add 12 with the result.
Divide the answer by 3.
Add 5 with the answer.
Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.
Answer: 8

Trick 3: Any Number
Think of any number.
Multiply the number you have thought with 3.
Add 45 with the result.
Double the result.
Divide the answer by 6.
Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.
Answer: 15

Trick 4: Same 3 Digit Number
Think of any 3 digit number, but each of the digits must be the same as. Ex: 333, 666.
Add up the digits.
Divide the 3 digit number with the digits added up.
Answer: 37

Trick 5: 2 Single Digit Numbers
Think of 2 single digit numbers.
Take any one of the number among them and double it.
Add 5 with the result.
Multiply the result with 5.
Add the second number to the answer.
Subtract the answer with 4.
Subtract the answer again with 21.
Answer: 2 Single Digit Numbers.

Trick 6: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
Choose a number from 1 to 6.
Multiply the number with 9.
Multiply the result with 111.
Multiply the result by 1001.
Divide the answer by 7.
Answer: All the above numbers will be present.

Trick 7: 1089
Think of a 3 digit number.
Arrange the number in descending order.
Reverse the number and subtract it with the result.
Remember it and reverse the answer mentally.
Add it with the result, you have got.
Answer: 1089

Trick 8: x7x11x13
Think of a 3 digit number.
Multiply it with x7x11x13.
Ex: Number: 456, Answer: 456456

Trick 9: x3x7x13x37
Think of a 2 digit number.
Multiply it with x3x7x13x37.
Ex: Number: 45, Answer: 454545

Trick 10: 9091
Think of a 5 digit number.
Multiply it with 11.
Multiply it with 9091.
Ex: Number: 12345,Answer:1234512345

Harvard university is a private institution that was founded in 1636. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6,658, its setting urban, and the campus size 5,076 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calender. Harvard University's ranking in the 2014 edition of Best Collages is Nationan Universities, 2. Its tuition and fees are $42,292 (2013-14).

Harvard is located in Cambridge, Mass., just outside of Boston. Harvard’s extensive library system houses the oldest collection in the United States and the largest private collection in the world. There is more to the school than endless stacks, though: Harvard’s athletic teams compete in the Ivy League, and every football season ends with "The Game," an annual matchup between storied rivals Harvard and Yale. At Harvard, on-campus residential housing is an integral part of student life. Freshmen live around the Harvard Yard at the center of campus, after which they are placed in one of 12 undergraduate houses for their remaining three years. Although they are no longer recognized by the university as official student groups, the eight all-male "final clubs" serve as social organizations for some undergraduate students; Harvard also has five female clubs.

In addition to the College, Harvard is comprised of 13 other schools and institutes, including the top-ranked Business School and Medical School and the highly ranked Graduate Education School, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Law School and John F. Kennedy School of Government. Eight U.S. presidents graduated from Harvard College, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. Other notable alumni include Henry David Thoreau, Helen Keller, Yo-Yo Ma and Tommy Lee Jones. In 1977, Harvard signed an agreement with sister institute Radcliffe College, uniting them in an educational partnership serving male and female students, although they did not officially merge until 1999. Harvard also has the largest endowment of any school in the world.

Whether in your personal or professional life, it's not easy being a successful leader, especially if you are a woman. when you are put in charge, you want to ensure everyone looking to you to respect you and feel that you really respect them. If you are a leader and you want to better your leadership abilities, here are a few tips to follow. If you are going to become a successful leader, these tips will help you too.

1. Listen
Just because you are a leader does not mean you need to talk all the time. Motivate your team to share their ideas. They will feel more valued, if you listen to them and incorporate their bright ideas. Sure, you do not have to use all ideas, but if you see that some ideas are really creative, make sure you use them. Sometimes it’s okay to step aside and allow your team to speak out. 

2. Become more approachable
Typically, a leader sits in the office the whole day and rarely takes the time to talk and to listen to their team members. If you want to become a successful leader, let your team know they can freely come and speak to you any time of the work day. Whether it is a question about their job, sharing new ideas, problems at work or personal issues, try to listen and help. You don’t have to become their best friend and don’t have to listen to the gossip, but being more approachable will help you become a better leader. 

3. Find a great role model
Every leader is different and it can be hard to find a good role model, but try to take the time to choose a successful leader and ask how they cope with daily challenges and how they motivate their team. Use these techniques and qualities to become a successful leader yourself. Feel free to talk to your role model, when you have some problems.

4. Reward your team members for good work
It’s not difficult to say ‘Good Job,’ isn’t it? If your team member did a good job, don’t forget to reward them. It can be a friendly email, a pat on the back, or a real reward such as a longer lunch or break. This way, you will show your team that their work is appreciated and you can make them feel incredible. 

5. Don’t be wishy-washy
Remember you are a leader and you should always be clear, especially when you give your team new tasks. Try to give your team members to-do lists every week, which clearly state which tasks have to be accomplished and when. They will spend more time getting work done and less time asking questions. This will also help prevent numerous misunderstandings. 

6. Have a good sense of humor
Even if you are a good leader, there are always going to be hard days. Don’t be too serious, when something goes wrong. If your team members see you making jokes out of a failure or laughing about a mishap, they will be less stressed and they won’t dwell on that failure the whole day or week. Developing a good sense of humor is not easy, but it’s very important. 

7. Stay positive
If you have a negative attitude about everything, you will never become a successful leader. Positivity is the key to everything and it will help you motivate your team to work better and they won’t feel so miserable at work. Show your team you love your job, stay positive, and they will do their job even better.
Hopefully, these tips helped you and you will soon become a successful leader. Just try to communicate clearly, stay positive, and listen to your team members. If you have any other tips on how to become a successful leader, please, share them with us in the comments section.

Rafflesia Arnoldi

ever you hear about it?
Raflesia arnoldi in indonesia is called bunga bangkai (carcass flower) because it smell so bad (but not same as carsass flower its a differnt kind)

Raflesia arnoldi is a Parasite plant and doesnt have a leaf he live by sucking nutrition from the other three and eat a insect (SCARY)
this flower first found at year 1818 in tropical forest on sumatra (south bengkulu). an now bengkulu is known as TheLandOfRaflesia.

the flower is founded by a guide that woeking for Dr.JosephArnold as a founder of the this big flower
at that time Dr.Joseph arnold on expedition that lead by Thommas Stamfort raffles . and the name of the flower is given
from the name of Joseph arnold and thomas stamfort raffles.
This species, together with the other members of the genus Rafflesia, threatened status due to devastating deforestation. In Java, growing only one type patma parasitic Rafflesia patma.

Flowers are not parasitic roots, no leaves, and is not stemmed. Diameter flowers while in bloom can reach 1 meter with a weight of about 11 kilograms. Flower suck inorganic and organic elements of the host plant Tetrastigma. The only part that could be called "plants" is a network that grows on vines Tetrastigma. Flowers have five petals that surround the part that looks like the mouth of the barrel. At the base there is interest sections such as barbed dish, containing stamen or pistil flowers depending on gender, male or female. Animal pollinators are flies attracted by the stench that issued interest. Flowers only about a week old (5-7 days) and then wither and die. The percentage of fertilization is very small, because the male flowers and female flowers bloom very rarely get together in a week, and need fly to help to fertilize

characteristics of Rafflesia Arnoldi.
Rafflesia Rafflesia Arnoldi as other types are obligate parasites of plants. He grew up in the trunk lianas (vines) of the genus Tetrastigma. Arnoldii Rafflesia has no leaves that can not air their own photosynthesis. Nutrients needed flowers is taken from its host tree.

Besides not having the leaves, flowers floral identity defined as Bengkulu province and as a rare flower (one of the three national flower) Indonesia also does not have a stem or root. Practical part of the plant Rafflesia Arnoldi there were only flowers are grown in a specified period.

Rafflesia Arnoldi flower (Rafflesia arnoldii) has flowers with 5 petals wide. When blooming flowers can reach a diameter of between 70-110 cm with a height of 50 cm and weighing up to 11 kg.

On the basis of interest at the center of the barrel-shaped stamen or pistil there, depending on the sex of flowers. presence of pistils and stamens are not in the house making the percentage of success of assisted fertilization by insects fly is very small, because it is not necessarily two different flowers grow in the same sex in a place nearby.

This flower growth period takes up to 9 months, but the time of flowering of only 5-7 days. After that rafflesia will wither and die.

For actress Kajol, who is set to feature in her husband and filmmaker-actor Ajay Devgn's home production, her priority is her children and she can't "dump them and go off to work".

Kajol and Ajay, who got married in 1999, are the parents of two children - daughter Nysa and son Yug. After the birth of her daughter in 2003, she has done very few films such as "Fanaa", "U Me Aur Hum", "My Name Is Khan", "We Are Family" and "Toonpur Ka Superrhero".

In an exclusive interview, Kajol told : "My only reason why I am not doing films is my children. My children need my attention and it's my duty to give them my time. I have not given birth to them to just dump them and go off to work. I am not that kind of a person."

"I have my kids and I want to see them growing up and turn out the way I always wanted them to be. Even kids expect that kind of time from you, and my husband is always working. He does four films in a year, so at least I have to be with them."

A strict mother, Kajol felt that certain guidelines should be laid down to discipline children.

"Of late I have not been shooting; so I have been busy spending time with my kids. I am a very strict mother and as a mother it's my responsibility to guide my kids and tell them to go how far and no further. There should be rules and guidelines for the kids and they should know their limits," she said.

Aware of the fact that she has a fan following that wants to see her on the screen, the actress said she likes to have her space.

"I know my fans are waiting to see me on the screen, but I like my space and I like to do one film in a year or so and not more than that. I was always choosy but now I have become more chooser and picker when it comes to scripts," said the actress who has been active in front to the camera since 1992 and has about 40 films to her credit.

The celebrity couple came together on the screen in "Gundaraj", "Ishq", and "Pyaar To Hona Hi Tha", "Raju Chacha" and "U Me Aur Hum", which was their last film together.

When asked about teaming up again with Ajay, Kajol said: "Frankly speaking, Ajay and my tastes don't match when it comes to films. We are poles apart when it comes to films. We don't agree with the same kind of films; so it is very difficult that we agree on same films and it only happens once in eight or nine years."

Meanwhile, the actress is also associated with "Help A Child Reach 5", which aims to eradicate preventable deaths like diarrhea by teaching lifesaving hand washing habits.

She said: "I am spreading this awareness and taking it nationally. I am pushing this campaign to other countries this year. We hope to bring the change."
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